Recipe: Appetizing Paratha (Indian Flat-Bread)

Paratha (Indian Flat-Bread).

Paratha (Indian Flat-Bread) You can have Paratha (Indian Flat-Bread) using 4 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Paratha (Indian Flat-Bread)

  1. It's 300 g of white flour.
  2. Prepare 300 g of whole wheat flour.
  3. You need 6 tbsp of melted butter.
  4. Prepare 300 ml of water.

Paratha (Indian Flat-Bread) step by step

  1. Mix the white and wheat flour together well, then slowly introduce the water a 1/2 cup at a time until the dough becomes like pastry. Knead well, cover and let stand for 30 minutes.
  2. shape a handful of dough into a tennis ball shape, then roll out to around 12 inches diameter on a lightly floured board.
  3. sprinkle with flour, and then brush one side with 1 tbsp of melter butter.
  4. next, roll the flattened dough up ....
  5. until it looks like a swiss-roll.
  6. then twist the rolled dough into a spiral shape,.
  7. flatten, and then press into an 8 inch circle with your rolling pin.
  8. cook each side for 1 to 2 minutes in a clean, very hot pan, then add 1/2 tbsp of melted butter and cook each side again for 2 minutes, and serve!.

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